Saturday, February 8, 2014

I'm back!

Surprise, surprise, I still exist! I keep thinking, "Abby. Get on that blog, and make a post already." But...I never do and time gets away and I waste all my time on pinterest instead. *sigh*

What's new with me?? Well let's see. I finished high school early (because I was home schooled and can totally do that) so I started classes at my local community college this spring! I'm taking 3 classes: intermediate algebra, english composition 1, and general psychology. I'll admit...I'm not loving it. But I don't hate it either! It's definitely a good "intro to college before it gets piled on". My favorite class is definitely psychology. We have so many discussions and are able to share our views and opinions which, as a Christian, I'm very excited about! The most interesting topic so far is sleep murder. Sounds weird, I know, but I have never had so much fun talking about something in a class! We talked about some cases of sleep murder - where people have gotten up in the middle of the night and have harmed (and ended up killing) friends and relatives. (Goodness this sounds'd be interested too, I promise!) We had to discuss their background, their lifestyle, how they treated those around them, and whether or not we think they should be held accountable for their actions. Definitely and interesting topic. :)

Hmm...oh! College! I'm waiting to hear from College of the Ozarks (in Missouri). I'll hear as early as the 19th of this month, so I'm getting pretty anxious. ;) However...I'm not so sure I want to attend there. The Lord led me to Oklahoma Baptist University in Shawnee, Oklahoma. He's continued to show me things about the school, and I'm falling in love with every bit of it. But ultimately, I desire to go where the Lord wants me - where I can best serve, honor, and love Him. I'm slowly getting stuff for my dorm room (that way I don't have to pay for it all this summer!) and it's SO fun guys. I'm getting stuff for my OWN room. My OWN place. (Yes, I'll be in dorms, but still!!) I'm so beyond excited. But you know what? I'm scared. I'm leaving. I'll be back, but always as a guest. Since when? When did I get old? I felt like these days would never come. But, this is life! It goes on whether you want it to or not. I'm leaving. (Oh how depressing that sounds...) My parents won't be right there, ready to talk whenever I want. I can't cuddle with dad on the couch, and feel immediately comforted by his arms. I keep reminding myself....when I feel lonely and depressed when I move to school, the Lord is the one who comforts me. My heavenly Father. How wonderful is His embrace.

Let's see. (I'm so new to this blogging thing...I don't know what to talk about!) Here...I'll copy all the other blogs I read! Here are a few of my favorite things....;) :

1. Warm clothes! Oh my lanta, has this week been cold or what? I shoveled 5 times in 2 days. That's slightly too much for me (once is plently...).
2. Fireplaces - We have two in our home! So cozy.
3. The Proverbs 31 Woman: Becoming the Woman God Wants You To Be - A young woman in our church has started up a women's Bible study group, and we're going through this book! I'm not able to go when they meet, so I'm meeting with her separately. I'm amazed at what the Lord is teaching me! We're going through Proverbs 31 (obviously). People, this is God's ideal woman. This is who all of us girls should be trying to resemble (besides the Lord). She brings honor to her family, especially her husband. She provides for her family in all aspects and shows them love. She does not worry, because her trust is in the Lord. The list goes on and on and on and on and get the idea. THIS is who I want to be. A woman who is trusted by God and those around her. Someone who is worthy of full confidence.

Ok, so this turned out to be WAY longer than I intended it to be....but that's a good thing, right!? Hopefully it's a sign of many posts to come. ;)

One last thing....a young woman in CHIEF named Rachel Ryan (my home school group) needs prayer. She felt sick at basketball practice the other day, and ended up passing out. She was transported by paramedics to the ER and sent home the same day with hear monitors. My mom has been in contact with Mrs. Ryan, and she let my mom know today that Rachel has passed out again, and is now at Children's Mercy Hospital in KC. I can't imagine how scary this is for Rachel and her family, so please keep all of them as well as the doctors in your prayers as they try to figure out what is causing this.

Hope you all had a wonderful week, and hopefully I'll be talking to you again soon!


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